Terms of Reference

The entity shall be known as ‘The Havering Academy of Leadership’ (HAL)


i. To ensure that the leadership and management within Havering schools and academies is at least good, with a strong aspiration for outstanding.

ii. To ensure that all tiers of leadership can access high quality induction, training, support and development via clear career pathways (from career entry level, up to whole system leadership).

iii. To promote innovative and flexible leadership structures within and across schools, in order to ensure improved pupil outcomes and cost-effective provision.

iv. To strengthen and align the work of all the strategic partners in relation to improving leadership (the LA, the Teaching Schools, all schools and academies, regional and national bodies).

v. To make more effective use of the expertise and good practice already in the system, so that we learn from the best leaders locally, regionally and nationally.

vi. To develop the climate, conditions, opportunities and incentives, to recruit and retain top quality leaders and potential leaders of the future.


i. Oversight, monitoring and reporting on the Havering Leadership Strategy and its priorities.

ii. Co-ordinating a coherent programme for leadership development for leaders at all levels and providing, commissioning or signposting opportunities as appropriate.

iii. Monitoring and evaluating the range and quality of leadership programmes available to Havering leaders.

iv. Collating a range of relevant data regarding training, attendance, accreditation.

v. Tracking, encouraging and fast-tracking local leadership talent to support succession planning.

vi. Promoting the work and availability of NLEs, NLGs, LLEs, SLEs, local inspectors and consultants and lead practitioners.

vii. Maintaining a Register of Effective Practice across the borough.

viii. Maintaining a website and social media presence, sharing events, updates, publications.

ix. Sharing latest leadership developments and research and encouraging action research projects within the borough.

x. Advocacy for leadership within Havering.


i. All Havering schools, academies and colleges are eligible for affiliation to the Academy.

ii. The Board shall consist of appointed representatives from the key strategic partners and nominated headteachers/principals, so that each affiliated school, academy or college has recourse to a representative.

iii. Each member of the Board has a single vote in relation to Board decisions, with the Chair holding the casting vote as necessary. Strategic Partners on the Board have a vote unless there is a conflict of interests


i. The Board shall consist of the Chair, Vice Chair, nominated and appointed members. All Headteacher / Governor members will be from schools/academies/colleges within Havering and will represent both LA maintained and academy/free school institutions.

ii. The Academy Board shall be made up of the following:

- Chair from the Local Authority (1)

- Nominated appointees from the Strategic Partners (3)

- Nominated Headteachers/Principals – Primary (6 from clusters)

- Nominated Headteachers/Principals – Secondary/Tertiary (2)

- Nominated Headteachers/Principals – Special (1)

- Nominated Governor representative (2)

- Nominated Deputy Headteacher representatives (2 – one pri, one sec)

- Officer(s) of the Academy (1)

iii. The term of office for nominated Board members (other than officers) shall be two years. Board members shall be eligible for re-nomination at the end of their term of office.

iv. Headteacher/Principal /Governor members of the Academy will be nominated to serve on the Board from schools within Havering’s borders.

v. If the need arises, the Board shall have the power to co-opt up to 3 Board members to bring in additional expertise or capacity where required.

vi. The Board may invite practitioners, specialists and experts to meetings where appropriate. Visitors do not have voting rights.

vii. The Chair will be a senior officer from the Local Authority.

viii. Each year, following the constitution, the Board shall elect its own Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair shall serve for two years and may stand for re-election.

ix. Meetings of the Board shall be held at least termly. The Board may also establish a series of Committees and convene Task and Finish Groups as necessary to conduct the business of the Academy between meetings.

x. A quorum for meetings of the Board is 50% of its voting constitution.

xi. All members of the Board should commit to attend all relevant meetings. If a Board member fails to attend on two consecutive meetings without the consent of the Board, they will be considered to have resigned their position. This is so that the Board may open the invitation to prospective new members to join.


i. All funding generated for the Academy shall be kept in a clearly identifiable cost centre by the Director of the Academy with financial reporting provided to the Board as necessary.

ii. All financial reserves shall be ring-fenced for further investment in the development of school leadership within Havering.

iii. Where funds are provided to the Academy by third parties, those funds will be managed in accordance with the financial regulations that pertain to those funds.


These Terms of Reference shall be reviewed annually by the Academy Board in discussion with appropriate partners and with reference to changing needs.